
I am an avid reader who’s been in love with the written word for as long as I can remember. As a child I read anything with an animal on the front, or had a hint of magic (or dragons) in the description. As an adult I haven’t really changed much, except to add all forms of fantasy and romance, a bit of sci-fi here and there, and a taste for non-fiction history.

After a few years of posting occasional reviews on Amazon UK I was lucky enough to be invited into the Vine reviewing program, and have been a member since May 2009. Thanks to this I’ve had a chance to read and review a lot of great books over the years, but particularly in the Children and YA genres. I’m also a member of NetGalley, where I get to review all kinds of amazing books. You can also find me on Goodreads, where I’ll be happy to friend you.

If you’ve got something you would like me to review, please read my Submission Guidelines page for what my preferred genres are and how to get in touch. And if you’re here looking for something to read, then I hope my reviews help.

Thanks for stopping by.

NG Apple_NetGalley Health Rev 3

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